New Mercies Every Morning: Finding Hope in God's Faithfulness

New Mercies Every Morning: Finding Hope in God's Faithfulness

November 29, 20244 min read

“It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness.”Lamentations 3:22–23 (KJV) 

Some days, these words feel like a lifeline. Life has a way of taking a toll, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But this verse reminds me: every single day, God gives us a fresh start. His mercy is new, His compassion doesn’t run out, and His faithfulness is constant. That is simply amazing! 

Gratitude doesn’t always come easy, especially when life feels heavy, but when I take a step back, I realize just how much I have to be thankful for. There’s the big stuff—family, friends, health, and the joy of another birthday. Then there are the other things that more discreet: peaceful moments, good memories, and those times when we’re spared from danger we didn’t even see coming. All of it reminds me that God is still at work. For that and so much more, I just want to say, “Thank You, Lord!” 

This week, I’m also thinking about my family, friends, and neighbors in the U.S. who are celebrating Thanksgiving. It is an opportunity for all of us to pause, reflect, and appreciate the blessings in our lives. So, to those celebrating, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope it’s a time filled with love, joy, and gratitude. 

The verses from Lamentations hold a special place in my heart because they speak to God’s mercy, especially in hard times. Judah was in a dark and painful season when these words were written. The temple where they worshipped and in which they took great pride had been ravaged and burnt down and much of the nation had been captured and taken away into exile. It was a time of fear, uncertainty, and grief. However, even in the middle of that heartbreak, God’s mercy was still there - They as a people were not completely destroyed as they might have feared. They may not have known it in the face of this calamity but God had not abandoned them. 

The events were not without cause. The people had rebelled and were steeped in a lifestyle of sin. They had turned away from God, ignored His warnings, and put their trust in idols. And the consequences were devastating. But then, there was the mercy of God. Even though devastation had come, it could only go so far. God mercifully preserved a remnant—a small group of people He could rebuild with. He also still sent comforting messages to the exiles in Babylon. God knew the day would come when they would return to him in repentance and humility. 

That’s who God is - merciful, faithful, and loving. His mercy comes from a love that never runs out. Every day, He shows up with new mercies and faithfulness we can count on, even when everything else feels like it’s falling apart. 

The world today may be so uncertain. Things appear to be changing so quickly, and it’s easy to feel like we’re in a constant state of flux. But God has not changed - He’s still compassionate. He’s still faithful. His mercy is available. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, Amen. 

So, the question is, do we realize how much we need God’s mercy? Have we humbled ourselves enough to seek Him? Are we willing to let go of the things we’ve placed above Him—the idols in our lives—and choose His way instead? These aren’t easy questions, but they’re important ones. 

The story behind Lamentations 3:22–23 challenges me. It makes me ask: Am I holding onto my faith when life gets hard? Does my life reflect the love and holiness of God? Am I part of the remnant? If Jesus came back today, would He find faith in me? 

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by everything happening in the world. But maybe the most important thing we can focus on is our relationship with God. He cares about each of us individually. And the choice to be committed to Him is ours to make. 

Here’s the good news: God is still the source of all mercy. He’s still faithful. As the psalmist says, “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love.”Every day, He shows up with new mercies and faithfulness that we can count on. He is constant when everything else feels shaky and uncertain. 

Today, let’s be encouraged and let’s be truly thankful. Every new day is a reminder of His mercy and faithfulness. If we take a moment to look back, we’ll see how His mercy has carried us through, even in the hardest seasons. Let’s celebrate this season with gratitude and praise for a God who is merciful and always faithful. 


A few verses to reflect on: 

Psalm 118:23, Ezekiel 2: 19; Ezekiel 18: 20; Romans 6: 23; 2 Tim 2: 13; Hebrews 12: 14; Exodus 19: 6; Psalm 103:8; Proverbs 14: 12; 2 Corinthians 7:10; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Luke 18:8; 2 Timothy 4: 3 – 4; Hosea 10: 12 


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